full lyrics:

you think you're pretty clever

in your camouflage disguise

but I spy you thru to center

with these peregrine eyes

with these peregrine eyes

do you see my shadow soaring

can you sense the greying skies

gettin' dark above you darlin'

where this peregrine flies

where this peregrine flies

why ya scamperin' for cover

where's your faith in afterlives

nothin's sacred but tomorrow

when the peregrine dives

when the peregrine dives

piercin' shriek ya hear's no warnin'

it's a promise of demise

primal screamin’ bad intentions

when the peregrine flies

when this peregrine flies

you may feel a subtle tickle

from my talons sharp as knives

shiny polished black as mirrors

when this peregrine dives

when this peregrine dives

every breath ya took's been borrowed

don't pretend it's a surprise

now La Madame comes collectin'

when this peregrine flies

when this peregrine flies

pardon pleas fade out of fashion

when the truth moment arrives

no clemency less compassion

as the peregrine dives

as the peregrine dives

so ya call yourself a hunter

well now let me set you wise

even predators seek shelter

when this peregrine flies

when this peregrine flies

bother not to blame misfortune

none by luck alone survives

dine or be the dinner baby

when this peregrine dives

when this peregrine dives