full lyrics:
wise colonels
choose well battles
to win wars
while savvy salesman
check for polished knobs
before knockin' on doors
only a fool dares interfere
between big Bluto and his blonde
or tries talkin' sense
to a sophist on his pond
takes plated pearls
to call a bluff while bluffin' too
unbias eyes to recognize
the winnin' hand's a point of view
there's less style to the artful dodger
more story to the artless conned
but water's still most mist and mirrors
for the sophist on his pond
all cheer the seeker
undeterred by dead-end trail
no one can succeed so they say
til fabulous they fail
much easier life meaning question
than to high calling respond
as effortless as is the treading
for the sophist on his pond
who cast the curse
the begrudged witch or broken wand
who saved the world the holy mother
or her sacred offspring spawned
don't mind albacore with my mercury
it's of the fishing I'm not fond
must need to squint from high-tide puddle
to view big ocean beyond
let for bus fare
all spare possessions be now pawned
don't wanna see obstructedly
when light of Truth has dawned
I recommend respectfully
that you most rapidly abscond
better adrift uncertainly
than moored and ignorance embalmed
on Sophist Pond!
on Sophist Pond!
on Sophist Pond!
songs of the sumday